Three Common Objectives of Digital Marketing

There are a lot of common objectives in the Digital Marketing Industry, Here are the three most common objectives:


This objective usually leads to Commerical success. Whenever someone buys your product, it obviously a minor victory, but when a lot of people buy it, refer it to others via word of mouth or other methods, it's an absolute win.


This objective is dependent on you, whether or not you consider how the audience can reach your product. If you showcase a game on a single site, something that gets very little traffic, the reach will barely be noticable. But if you combo it together, with say,, Twitter, YouTube, Steam, it can get a lot more attention, depending on whose eye it catches. 


Much like Awareness, this is more based on WHAT you want the product to be, not WHERE. For example, A movie or series won't sit well in a game site, like Steam, but will fit right at home on Netflix or YouTube. Likewise for the game, where Steam or will accept it with open arms.

In short, Consideration is evaluating if the product or brand meets your needs (Setting Objectives - Digital Marketing, 2022)

Digital Marketing Institute. 2022. Setting Objectives - Digital Marketing. [online] Available at: <https:"" resources="" lessons="" digital-marketing-strategy_setting-objectives_2qgm=""> [Accessed 6 May 2022].</https:>

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