Email Marketing Techniques

Email Marketing Strategies are much like every other type of strategy, but instead of relying on traffic, your company can instead send emails to your customers, much like newsletters, updates or promotions.

Below are two types of EMS:

Message Personalization: 

What this means is to personalize the email to your customer. This isn't just like "Dear Customer." But more like: "Dear Austin." You are talking to your customer like they're a person, not a number. or like "I've based these products on your history." not a randomly generated results. Answering reviews or complaints can be done like this too, showing that you actually care... I mean you should but you're not a CEO of a good company... Yet.

Segment Subscribers:

So below this is a graph. Segmentation is the second marketing top initiatives

Segmentation enables you to tailor your campaigns and target a more specific audience. This is so you don't send emails to every single subscriber that's join your company, this ends up only affecting those who are segmented to a particular product, this then prevents non-segmented subscribers from unsubscribing because they're angry and annoyed at 'Spam'. (Email Marketing Strategy: A Data-Driven Guide to Email in 2021, 2022) 2022. Email Marketing Strategy: A Data-Driven Guide to Email in 2021. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" email-marketing-strategy=""> [Accessed 8 May 2022].</https:>

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