The Use of Target Market Research

Target Marketing is to ensure that what your product is meant for a Target Audience. You select a set of identified customers to sell your product and services. This helps companies identify the correct audience. For example, Role Playing gamers would be perfect for RPGs like Skyrim, Dark Souls or even Dungeon and Dragons. Those who love horror would watch Nightmare on Elm Street or play games like Amnesisa: The Dark Descent.

The Importance of Target Marketing is basic, Once you identify the segments, you have to identify to the target market to who they want to sell to. Identifying the correct target market is one of your most important tasks, because every marketer wants to reach every potential customer, and it's very costly and a bad way to spend one's time. 

This icon here gives the cycle of target marketing.

Target Market - (Team, 2022)

Team, M., 2022. Target Market Meaning, Importance, Steps & Example | MBA Skool. [online] MBA Skool. Available at: <https:"" business-concepts="" marketing-and-strategy-terms="" 2357-target-market.html=""> [Accessed 7 May 2022].</https:>)

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