Three web marketing techniques

This blog contains the three out of many types of web marketing techniques that you can utilize, this will include Display Marketing Advertising, 

So, Display Market Advertising is basically a type of online advertisement using media such as gifs or videos, whether it is on mobile or PC. It can also combine text and images, complete with a URL that is hyperlinked to the ad itself, clicking it takes you to the product or website it's advertising. It appears in third person websites like YouTube, Twitter or Facebook, to name a few, you've seen it before throughout your internet life.

There are many types of DMA, such as Retargeting Ads, meant solely for personalization; a Gamer will see MMOs prompting Free Trials, like Final Fantasy XIV, or the latest Call of Duty and so on. Where as someone who is looking for a holiday will get adverts showcasing holiday or vacation deals. (What is Display Advertising? A Beginner's Guide | Mailchimp, 2022)

Below is the other three types of digital marketing techniques.

Search Engine Optimization is a term used to describe strategies that can be used to boost your ranking in search terms, like keywords and phrases related to your business. SEO is often broken into two types, On-Site and Off-Site. Off-Site is often for places away from your website, and includes things like backlinks to your site or reputable sites. On-Site refers to the optimization that occurs on your site, it includes the following such as:

  1. Improving your site’s speed
  2. Adding keywords to your URLs, page titles, and headings
  3. Creating content or updating it to suit your needs.

SEO is pretty effective and essential for your business' survival online.

Pay-Per-Click is another type of Digital Marketing and very popular in the advertising industry. Much auctions, you bid for placement on a search engine's sponsored links for keywords or phrases. If you win, your ad will appear in the search results. One of the bigger benefits of PPC as a strategy is that your ad can begin sending relevant and qualified traffic to your site the minute they've been clicked and you’ll only pay when people click your ads. You will avoid wasting money trying to reach people who aren’t interested in your items. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Content Marketing is another method of generating traffic to your products, in fact it's one of the most effective. Infographics, blog posts, ebooks, guides, visual content like images, videos, you could even make memes of it, though in a professional company you wouldn't want to do it.

This positions your company as an authority in your field, and people will want to learn more about those products after reading a helpful piece of content you created.

(9 Best Internet Marketing Strategies for Growing Your Business, 2022)


Mailchimp. 2022. What is Display Advertising? A Beginner's Guide | Mailchimp. [online] Available at: <https:"" en-gb="" marketing-glossary="" display-ads=""> [Accessed 7 May 2022].</https:><https:"" resources="" lessons="" digital-marketing-strategy_setting-objectives_2qgm=""></https:>

WebFX. 2022. 9 Best Internet Marketing Strategies for Growing Your Business. [online] Available at: <https:"" digital-marketing="" learn="" best-internet-marketing-strategies=""> [Accessed 7 May 2022].</https:>

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