The Three common tools used in Measuring Data

Below is the three common tools used for collection data.

  • Online Forums - Using forums, users or followers of your brand/IP can communicate with each other, or you can post blogs or partake in conversation. This allows you to get feedback immediately from the consumers of your products.

  • Web Surveys and Chats - Much like Forums, this allows you to have a more direct involvement in data collection. This also enables you to be more face-to-face via chats directly.

  • In-Depth Interviews - An even more direct approach is Interviewing select consumers of your product. Preferably those with a big presence online. Like Youtubers, Twitch Streamers and other types of people with a lot of influence. (Blog, 2022)


Blog, F., 2022. 7 Data Collection Methods & Tools For Research. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" data-collection-method=""> [Accessed 19 May 2022].</https:>

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