Digital Marketing Techniques

The Importance of Digital Marketing.

Why is Digital Marketing so important? Well, the answer is pretty much staring you right in the face. Teenagers, Adults and even you, stare at technology all the time, watching videos, reading the news and even playing games in your downtime. Services like Amazon or Steam can provide products or content to you in both physical and digital forms. | (Why is digital marketing important to your business? - Gravity Digital, 2022)

First, Continuous stream of new leads - This is essentially you hanging up posters about your upcoming concerr. You're getting your product out there or if you originally started offline, you can easily reach out and rake in online customers into offline customers.

Second is Increasing those sales. If you got no money, then that will come with mo(re) problems. So reaching out and getting yourself known online is one way to stop them problems from happening, It's as easy as that.

Third is Brand Building. This is getting yourself known, but now your company known to the public. | (7 Main Objectives of Digital Marketing in 2021 | USA, 2022)

A Target Market Analysis is an assessment of your product or sales. Essentially, you are doing research on genres or what type of product fits in the market. For example, Scary films or games fits in the horror genre, and would catch the attention of those that love a good scare. | (Target Market Analysis: What It Is and How To Make One |, 2022)



jonas Muthoni -. 2022. 7 Main Objectives of Digital Marketing in 2021 | USA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 April 2022].  

Gravity Digital. 2022. Why is digital marketing important to your business? - Gravity Digital. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 April 2022].

Indeed Career Guide. 2022. Target Market Analysis: What It Is and How To Make One | [online] Available at: <https:"" career-advice="" career-development="" target-market-analysis#:~:text="A%20target%20market%20analysis%20is%20an%20assessment%20of%20how%20your,effective%20marketing%20and%20sales%20techniques."> [Accessed 21 April 2022]. </https:>

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