The Importance of Data Analytics

The Importance of Data Analytics


Analytics is what companies, or teams use to handle large amounts of information, whether it's based on viewers on a video on Youtube, to deciding what videos get recommended to that viewer. For example, if someone watches a lot of video games, they'll be recommended game trailers or gameplay videos of other youtube channels. Data collection is supplemented with analysis and insight  Data Analytics helps one company to make sense with that mass of information for growth and development.

So... What is it?

Well,  ' It essentially refers to all the processes and tools required to process a set of data and interpret important insights from them.' Analytics is a term, including a variety of tools and processes for data analysis. These tools can be qualitive or quantitative. They extract useful data and filter out useless or unnecessary information and analyse the useful data to make the money roll in. (Importance of Data Analytics in the Modern World - TechnologyHQ, 2022)



TechnologyHQ - All about Technology, AI, blockchain, Cybersecurity, Business. 2022. Importance of Data Analytics in the Modern World - TechnologyHQ. [online] Available at: <https:"" importance-data-analytics-modern-world=""> [Accessed 22 April 2022]. </https:>

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